Time is your most valuable asset. Time is more valuable then money and materials..

Time can not be saved or bought. As a human on average you have been given lets say 65-100 years worth of the asset of time.

Now if someone if sentence to 2 years in prison then society is taking away 2 years of currency of their time. They are no longer control over their time..

They are being told when to go to bed, when to wake up and when to eat.  They do something society has considered bad so their biggest asset that is pretty much equal is taken away and controlled.

The most successful businesses In the world succeed because they sell you more time.. Uber, air BNB, social media networks, technology, fast food, the invention of cars, the microwave, factory farming These were all invented so you can have more available time.  The problem is that more then ever we are wasting time. How often do you hear the phrase “i’m just killing time.” Here are 4 tips to help you optimising your life so you don’t spend it wasting time.

1. . Cut people out of your life that don’t add any value.. Especially that friend that is always 15 minutes late.

2. Do things that can help save you time in the future like being organised at home so your not running around looking for things or meal prep you foods.

3. Invest in your future by using your time wisely today. Education, learning a new skill even networking and building Real connections.

4. Stay fit and healthy so you don’t end up having your time cut short.